As a mother of two boys, I wanted to do what is best for the. Immediately after they were born, I breastfed. I ways successfully able to breastfeed both of my sons up to the age of one. Breastfeeding is a excellent benefit to their overal development. It provides many health, nutritional, economical and emotional benefits to mother and baby.
1. Instant bond/attachment.
"Breastfeeding provides physiological and psychological benefits for both mother and child. Reduces the rate of infant adbandonment" (Womens Health) In addition, support for a mother while breastfeeding can assist is family bonds and help build a paternal bond between father and child. Mothers can pump milik, where the infant is still able to recieve breastmilk, yet fathers and other members and caregivers can bond with the infant as well.
2. Breastfeeding protects from illnesses.
"The first milk, contains anti-bacterial and anti-vial agents (proteins, fats and vitamins) that protects the infant against disease. It is easy for the babies to digest. It aids the development of the infant's own imune system" (Womens Health). There are studies that shows there is reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, lower respiratory tract infections, asthma, childhood leukemia, and SIDS. It is important for the mothers to maintain the same healthy eating habits as they did while they are pregnant, while nursing their babies.
3. Breastmilk helps to enhance the enhance the infants, cognitive devlopment.
Study shows, "Children who had been given breastmilk also showed greater ability to control and appropriately respond to emotions. Futhermore, Dr. Higgens found that earlier studies of term infants had found that infants who were breastfed tended to score higher on tests of menatl development..."(Bock, 2007).
Around the world....
Europe place a high public health priority for ths suppot and protection of breastfeeding. It is the natural way to feed infants and young children. Exclusive breastfeedin for the first six months of life ensures optimal growth, development and health. However, not all children are breastfeed.
Switzerland has the highest promotion of breastfeeding.There are breastfeeding benches where the mothers are able to breastfeed in public. United Nation's Children's Fund is a huge promoter of breastfeeding nationwide. Womens Health Organization advocates exclusive breastfeeding. They support no other foods or liquids until six months. In fact women are encouraged to breastfeed longer. "Breastfed babies tend to suffer from fewr infections and generally have better cognitive development"(swissinfo, 2006).
I understand the need for mothers to breastfeed for the child's overall developmental growth, physically, conginitvely, emotionally/socially and linquistically. Futhermore, I respect the decision of others who choose to bottle feed. In my Family Child Care Home, motheres are more than welcome to nurse their child. I provide a nice quiet and inimate area for them to do so.
Bock, R., (2007). Breast Milk Associaated With Greater Mental Development in Preterm Infants, Fewer Re-Hospitalizations. National Institutes of Health.
Breastfeeding Protects Babies. Womens Health.
SwissInfo. (2006). Breastfeeding Wins Mother's Approval.